The Before / Star Truth of Crimson & Quiet Time


the stolen parts

children of sin

"children" of sin

sparks of eternity

Every Spark was worshipped, at some point, as a faux god among other primordial entities. In the division of the Vou'T'An, there exists two factions: the Zij'at (/χℇj'æt/ The Gape) and the Sams'ati (/sæms'ætiː/ The Grace). The Zij'at align themselves with the darkness, and the Sams'ati align themselves with the light, creating an eternal conflict that will never end; the vortex that sprouts life continues, endlessly, to create, even inside of the Vou'T'An, and so the sides are in constant boom and growth. Both sides worshipped, once, their own versions of gods in their own cosmology of the universe, until Su'en and Ado manifested and conquered the warring factions, just to try to bring peace. From this earliest war, the creation of reality, and humans, became manifest.

Each of these entities, once known as Sindar'i (/ˈsɪndˈɑː.ɹɪ/ Exalted), were originally meant to help harvest the energies of the universe. They were tasked with shaping the worlds, to try to give other creatures a chance to live on turbulent lands and harvest life with one another. Instead, they took to worship, and swallowed up faith from followers like rivers of power, hoping to one day steal the throne of true authority over all creation. No true Sindar'i exist any longer, though some have elevated to such level of power.

ARÁVIR (Pillars)

The Sams'ati believed that the world was held up by 12 Pillars of reality, and each Pillar was worshipped. These Arávir (/aˈɾavir/ Pillars) were considered the foundation of all reality, who cross-hatched and cooperated to uphold the very plane of existence that Vou'T'An persists upon. Untrue though this may be, it was believed enough by the Sams'ati that the Arávir were widepsread, often with many motifs and visages. The names listed below are the roughest translations of their true forms and essence, before their destruction by Ado'Brahm.

Those with popups feature the entity, what lingers of them, and a current status, form, or played-by. Those without were defeated and, seemingly, killed in the first war but have found ways to return, now and again.


The Zij'at believed that localized points of energetic pressure were more important; 24 distinct Elentári (// Tokens) existed, then, for each point of the pillars the Sims'ati worshipped. These Elentári were seen as guards of power, and to worship meant to take tutuleage under their guide, learning their spells and tricks and strengths in combat, conquest and consolation. Belief in them was widespread as well, and their names varied far more greatly than the Arávir once did. The names listed below are the roughest translations of their true forms and essence, before their destruction by Su'en.

Those with popups feature the entity, what lingers of them, and a current status, form, or played-by. Those without were defeated and, seemingly, killed in the first war but have found ways to return, now and again.


heavy is the crown

First, there was Darkness (nothing, emptiness, solitude); then, there was Light; this is as the story goes, time and time again through the mouths of man. The truth is only slightly different. First, there was Su'en Braahna Semir'Ballein; then there was Ado Braahm Sema'Dyvos. Self-named. Self-created. Two halves of one whole: the total of all existence, birthed into vessels that could navigate, and manage, the endless sky. Su'en would manage the void, the darkness. Ado? The light, the creation that was to come. This is as they knew it, from the first breath of their Aspirant existence.

But, life, even under the guidance of the original two, has its own way of being. Split apart, it did not stop the wheel of life from forging new creatures in the endless space. New worlds. Planets, born and waiting; cold, barren, dead, but still there. Creatures who would live beyond it. But only the Aspirant had thought. Only the two siblings had understanding.
